Cooking with Soul: Redefining Perfection in the Kitchen
I was taking a quick break, thumbing through my Apple screen, when I came across someone asking, “What’s the best coffee?” That got me thinking about the concept of “the best” in food. It's become so subjective! Just think about how many different Oreo flavors there are!
Let's talk cookies for a second. Are you a soft cookie, not a soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur - squirrel moment? Do you like crunch? If you do like crunch, how much? Are you one of those "I love the edges crispy crunchy nomnomness with that soft warm center!" Food has so many layers, so how can you say X BRAND is the best? If all it takes is slap a label on it, it's the best. Hell, if that is what it takes for something to be the best, then my BACON is the best!
I feel a new journey brewing for my taste buds and imagination. I want to experience, taste, and truly live in the moment with food. What does it mean to find the best? The definition of “best” is “of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality.” But my question is: best for whom? As chefs, we push ourselves daily for this elusive notion of perfection, raising the bar so high that it's almost intangible.
I love dark chocolate for many reasons, but primarily for its raw intensity. It tells a story, and the chocolatier's skill in manipulating those flavors creates a complex bite that can leave you breathless—those Meg Ryan “I’ll have what she’s having” moments!
So, do you like dark chocolate? If you do, I hope you felt that picture I painted. If not, I may have lost you—until now.
I’ve always been told I’m a perfectionist, and just typing that gives me chills. Those twelve letters have affected me deeply! But I’ve realized that perfection has been my villain, holding me back. The power of words can be stunning!
As I sit here, reflecting on “THE BEST,” I’ve awakened to a profound truth: it wasn’t perfection I was seeking; it was simply to exist. I don’t need validation from others or my food to know that I deserve to exist. No more chasing likes, awards, or views.
It’s time for the next chapter. It’s time to embrace my imperfections because they are even more craveable than the best. Why? Because now, I’m cooking with my soul.