The Roller Coaster of Entrepreneurship: Navigating the Storms of Self-Doubt and Success
Sometimes, life feels like drifting in the sea of the unknown. The current moves you as you rise and fall on the waves, while the wind brings life and direction. I sit here trying to think what to type next and how to communicate what I want you, the reader, to feel. The sea and the wind have created a vortex. My emotions are spinning, and I feel I am being pulled under. I feel like Jacob Marley, with chains wrapped around me and cement blocks. I think, "Please don't let me..." It happens. I feel myself drifting straight down into the darkness. I feel the weight all over my body, crushing me. What light was there is fading rapidly, and I am left alone in silence. A deafening silence! I am left with my heartbeat, my doubts, my should of, my could of, and my would of's.
Music plays, my eyes open, the alarm is going off, and I survive another day. I go about my day constantly, thinking about what hell will be around the corner today. What obstacle is the universe going to throw at me today? What phone call is going to punch in the dick! You hear those faint voices, "Does he really know what the hell he is doing?" You realize those voices are in your head. You move about your day, checking off your checklist and seeming like you are in control. Then you hear, "Are you keeping busy to forget about that..." Your phone rings, and the dread and despair fall over you as you see the name; it's that call!
Welcome to the glist and glamor of entrepreneurship! Well, this is my version; yours may be different. You may ask yourself why the hell would you{{or anyone else for that matter]] do that to themselves.? Simple, it's mine. Okay, it's not that simple. You have to be absolutely in fucking insane to want to be in charge. "It's the American dream!" Yes, yes, it is, but it comes with a lot of risks. The burden it puts on your family unit, HELLO! The toll it takes on you, your mental health. Your bank account!
Why do I do it? I want my daughter to have a legacy. I want to show her that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. I do this because I believe in myself. I see myself as those around me support me! The biggest failure for an entrepreneur is THEMSELVES! More specifically, the fear of the unknown. Can I, ME, CAN I REALLY DO THIS! Self-doubt kills a dream quicker than anything. “But I can't do that. Something like that already exists! Really, did that stop Netflix from taking down Blockbuster? We all thought there would be nothing but Microsoft. How's that going? We all thought we would be singing "Hello MOTO." You get the point! Life is not easy, so why do you sabotage yourself? See yourself as those support you see you! Do what I have been doing lately. I keep telling myself, "It is not a sprint but a marathon!" Life is like baking sourdough. It takes time, nourishment, time, support, time, stretching, time, seasoning or time, heat, steam, structure, you get the point. When you screw up, as someone once told me, “Just bake the bread!” I think another flaw is getting in your own way. Listen, just do it, learn from it mostly stay out of your own damn way. More importantly, stay out of my way!
Feeling the same ups and downs of life, entrepreneurship, and self-doubt? You’re not alone. Whether you’re navigating your own storms or facing the unknown with fear, remember—it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Take the next step toward clarity and growth. Join me on this journey of self-belief and resilience by subscribing to my newsletter for more insights, or let’s connect directly for personalized coaching. Don’t let doubt stop you from building the life or legacy you dream of—start now.